Captain Morgan Long Island Iced Tea 750ml
Captain Morgan Long Island Iced Tea 750ml
Captain Morgan Long Island Iced Tea is a pre-mixed cocktail that encapsulates the lively spirit of summer gatherings and poolside sips. Long Island Iced Tea, a classic cocktail, is traditionally made by combining vodka, tequila, rum, gin, triple sec, lemon juice, and a splash of cola. Captain Morgan's take on this popular beverage seeks to offer a convenient option for those who want the classic taste without the hassle of mixing multiple ingredients. In this blend, the Captain's iconic spiced rum is likely a starring component, adding a signature spice note to the medley of spirits. The result is a refreshingly tangy and slightly sweet concoction, with hints of citrus and a subtle kick from the combined spirits. It's an ideal choice for those who want to enjoy a ready-to-drink cocktail, whether poured over ice or sipped straight from the bottle during a sun-drenched day.
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