Plus & Minus Rose 750ml
Plus & Minus Rose 750ml
The Plus & Minus Zero Alcohol Rosé offers a delightful, alcohol-free alternative for rosé enthusiasts, perfect for enjoying at any time of the day. Best served chilled and shared among friends, this non-alcoholic rosé is crafted to bring joy to social gatherings without the effects of alcohol. It features a harmonious blend of ripe berries and a subtle hint of earthiness, creating a gentle and divine rosé taste that is both refreshing and satisfying. Made with premium red grapes sourced from South Australia, this rosé stands out for its delicious flavor and high quality.
Part of the contemporary Plus & Minus range, this rosé is developed to be rich in antioxidants while being free from alcohol. These wines are crafted without artificial sweeteners, instead incorporating grape skin extract (GSE) during the winemaking process. GSE is known for its abundance of natural antioxidants, enhancing the healthful properties of red wine. The Plus & Minus wines are hand-crafted using only high-quality grapes from premium, dry-grown vineyards in South Australia, ensuring a product that is not only enjoyable but also maintains a standard of excellence. The Plus & Minus Rosé is a perfect choice for health-conscious individuals and those seeking a delightful wine experience without alcohol.
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