The Macallan Enigma 700ml
The Macallan Enigma 700ml
The Macallan Enigma is the pinnacle of The Macallan's Quest Collection, embodying the essence of mystery and luxury in Scotch whisky. This exquisite expression is a celebration of the distillery's unrelenting pursuit of excellence and the enigmatic nature of whisky-making. The Enigma's distinctiveness lies in its exclusive aging in European oak sherry casks from Jerez, Spain, renowned for their rich and robust character. These casks, which previously held sherry, impart an extraordinary depth of flavour and complexity to the whisky, resulting in a profile rich with notes of dried fruits, spices, and chocolate.
The Macallan Enigma invites connoisseurs on a sensory journey, offering a nose of dense, rich sherry accented with hints of sweet oak and spice. On the palate, it unfolds a symphony of flavors, from lush fruitiness to profound oak richness, all culminating in a long, satisfying finish that echoes its deep and enigmatic character. The Macallan Enigma is more than just a whisky; it's an exploration of the unknown and a testament to the artistry of The Macallan's whisky-making craft.
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