Don Julio Rosado 750ml
Don Julio Rosado 750ml offers a delightful twist on their classic Reposado Tequila, uniquely finished in Ruby Port Wine casks from the picturesque Douro region of Northern Portugal. This innovative process, lasting four months, imparts a subtle pink hue and enriches the tequila with the sweet, complex flavors of dried red fruit and caramel. Released in 2023 as a limited edition, Don Julio Rosado is a refreshing addition to the brand's esteemed lineup, perfect for savoring on the rocks or as a base in vibrant daytime cocktails. For a lighter, longer drink, simply add a splash of club soda and garnish with a lemon slice. This tequila is designed to enhance day-time gatherings outdoors, making any moment spent in good company even more special.
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