Grant Burge Filsell Shiraz 750ml
Grant Burge Filsell Shiraz 750ml
Grant Burge Filsell Shiraz is a masterpiece that embodies the extraordinary depth and character that the Shiraz grape can achieve, thoughtfully crafted by Grant Burge Wines. This wine invites you to immerse yourself in the rich flavors and personality that define this iconic varietal, while capturing the essence of its origin in the revered Filsell vineyard.
As it fills the glass, the wine unveils a deep and captivating garnet hue, hinting at the complexity within. The aroma is a captivating blend of dark berries, with blackberries and plums taking center stage, accompanied by notes of black pepper, spices, and a touch of smoky oak.
Tasting the wine reveals layers of ripe fruit flavors that grace the palate, harmoniously mingling with nuances of spices and a touch of chocolate. The texture is robust and opulent, with well-structured tannins that create a velvety and luxurious mouthfeel, leading to a finish that is both enduring and indulgent.
Grant Burge Filsell Shiraz is a perfect companion to hearty and bold dishes such as roasted meats or game. The label, adorned with the Grant Burge emblem and the name "Filsell," reflects the winery's dedication to producing wines that capture the essence of the grape and the exceptional terroir of the vineyard.
In essence, Grant Burge Filsell Shiraz captures the soul of the grape with unmatched depth and intensity, offering a wine experience that is both captivating and unforgettable, while honoring the spirit of Grant Burge's commitment to crafting exceptional wines.
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