Lyre's LYRE'S Classico Grande 750ml
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- LYRE'S Classico Grande 75...
Lyre's LYRE'S Classico Grande 750ml
LYRE'S Classico Grande 750ml is a finely crafted non-alcoholic sparkling wine alternative that has been impossibly crafted to encapsulate the essence of a traditional sparkling wine aperitif. It stands out not only for its ability to mimic classic wine profiles but also for its distinctive character as a premium non-alcoholic beverage.
The bouquet is inviting, featuring light hues and alluring aromas of lime, fresh peach, and granny smith apple skin, enhanced by floral and musk tones that add complexity and entice the senses. On the palate, it presents a generous array of aromatics with the classic tartness of green apple followed by a rich softness of pear, peach, and red apple. The presence of chalky fine acids cleanses the palate, preparing you for the next sip. To enjoy, serve chilled in a flute or coupette, and consider mixing with Lyre’s Italian Spritz, soda, and orange for a delightful non-alcoholic Amalfi Spritz.
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