Rabbit Tale PX Sherry Cask 700ml
Rabbit Tale PX Sherry Cask 700ml
Rabbit Tale PX Sherry Cask 700ml is an exquisite bourbon that brings a Spanish influence into the heart of Kentucky's bourbon tradition. This special release is finished in Pedro Ximénez (PX) sherry casks, which impart a rich, sweet, and complex profile to the already nuanced spirit.
This bourbon showcases deep notes of dried fruits, such as figs and raisins, along with hints of caramel and chocolate, creating a luxuriously rich palate. The finish is exceptionally smooth, with a lingering sweetness and subtle notes of spice, embodying the perfect harmony between traditional bourbon characteristics and the decadent influence of sherry cask finishing. Rabbit Tale PX Sherry Cask is a truly unique offering for bourbon enthusiasts looking to explore flavours that span continents and traditions.
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