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Woodford Reserve Master's Collection Sonoma Triple Finish 700ml

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  • Description

    The Woodford Reserve Master's Collection Sonoma Triple Finish, presented in a 700ml bottle, is a remarkable innovation in the realm of Kentucky bourbon. This 2023 release, under the guidance of Master Distiller Elizabeth McCall, draws on a heritage of creative spirit and groundbreaking experimentation within the series. The Sonoma Triple Finish represents a pinnacle of this exploration, blending the rich traditions of bourbon with the finesse of winemaking.

    This distinctive bourbon has been expertly finished in three types of Sonoma County wine barrels—Pinot Noir, American Brandy, and former bourbon barrels that have aged red wine. This tri-barrel finishing process imparts an exceptional depth of flavor and complexity, creating a bourbon that stands out with its bold, sophisticated profile. On the nose, it offers enticing aromas of vanilla and cinnamon-dusted grilled pineapple slices alongside rich red plum, setting the stage for a deeply aromatic experience. The palate is greeted with a harmonious blend of vine and red fruit flavours, enriched by warm undercurrents of rich vanilla bean and robust oak notes.

    The finish of the Sonoma Triple Finish is prolonged and nuanced, characterised by a lingering presence of oak and red grape tannins that provide a structured and satisfying end to the tasting journey. The bourbon's color, a deep burnt sienna, visually echoes its rich and inviting essence. Woodford Reserve Master’s Collection Sonoma Triple Finish is not just a bourbon but a testament to the art of whiskey making and barrel finishing, offering a unique and luxurious experience that appeals to both bourbon aficionados and adventurous palates alike.

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